How Calendula Cream Can Help Reduce Your Eczema?

Calendula oil is extracted from the petals of marigold flowers and is well-known as an alternative or complementary treatment for eczema and other skin-related problems. It is the main ingredient in the calendula cream for eczema that many dermatologists prescribe to eczema patients. Since it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, the calendula cream can heal wounds, soothe rashes, and relieve a diaper allergy. It can also work as an antiseptic cream.

Using calendula cream for eczema treatment

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can cause a lot of distress and discomfort and may make it problematic for you to go about your regular daily routine. Many folk treatments for skin ailments like eczema include calendula oil since it is gentle on the skin, does not generally have side effects, and helps to speed up the healing process. It can also improve the appearance and quality of the skin.

Calendula oil is effective because it contains compounds like flavonoids, quinones, triterpenoids, coumarins, carotenoids, amino acids, and volatile oils. These compounds can alleviate the inflammation, itching, redness, and scaly, dry patches caused by eczema.

By using calendula cream for eczema, you can get relief in the following ways:

It can soothe the eczema-related inflammation and itching

Histamine, a chemical that occurs in the tissue mast cells, blood cells, and various other body cells, causes red skin inflammation, itching, and pain in eczema. When you are allergic to dust, food, or any other substance, your immune system reacts to that substance as though it is harmful to your body. It swings into action to protect you and causes the release of histamine into your bloodstream. The histamine then causes allergy symptoms.

With its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, calendula can mitigate the painful and discomfiting effects of histamine. It soothes the rashes, causes the inflammation to go down, and reduces the itching sensation. Furthermore, the calendula cream is gentle on the skin and does not cause any adverse reactions. You can also use it safely when you are on any other medications your doctor might have prescribed.

It is an excellent moisturizer

The presence of linoleic acid or Vitamin F in the cream is another reason why using calendula cream for eczema treatment can produce effective results. The omega-6 fatty acid moisturizes the skin and strengthens and protects the skin barrier. Due to that, the skin can retain moisture and absorb nutrients, and it can also fend off air pollutants, UV rays, and other damaging elements. The skin is well-nourished and well-hydrated and becomes soft and supple. When kept in a good condition, it may become less susceptible to eczema.

It can protect and heal the skin

The antioxidant properties of calendula cream can protect the skin from the damage caused by free radicals. These are unstable molecules that do not contain the full complement of electrons. They, therefore, try to make it up by seizing electrons from other stable molecules. In the process of doing so, they damage those molecules. In turn, that causes damage to the cell DNA, cell membranes, and other cellular parts. Antioxidants are compounds that act against these free radicals and stop their harm to an extent.

According to many researchers, the flavonoids in the calendula cream not only neutralize free radicals but also promote healing by increasing blood flow to the affected skin areas. Application of calendula cream can help remove dead skin skills, increase collagen production, and enable the growth of new, healthy tissue. You will notice a definite improvement in the skin’s texture and elasticity. The fine lines and wrinkles will be less apparent, and the skin will appear luminous and youthful.

A few things to keep in mind

While calendula cream is safe to use for everyone generally, it is advisable to be cautious if you are pregnant, are breastfeeding your child, or have proven allergies to Asteraceae/Compositae plants. Consult your dermatologist and have them clear your doubts or concerns on the matter. Use the calendula cream for eczema treatment only if the doctor says it is safe for you. If you still have any doubts, do a patch test on your skin and check that the cream does not adversely affect you.