Dermal Fillers: Learn How Dermal Fillers Work

It’s true… when people are young, their skin is young too! Our bodies produce collagen and elastin, which gives skin its youth and vitality. As people age, less of this collagen is produced naturally, so a little help is needed to keep those fine lines and wrinkles away. The best kind of help may be from dermal fillers, an aesthetic treatment that is injected into the skin to give some of that vitality back. Yes, fillers are a popular choice. Common questions about facial fillers include what they are made from and how they work. Is there anything to worry about with this type of rejuvenation?
Dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid
Most dermal fillers are made from a substance called hyaluronic acid which is a sugar molecule that naturally exists in all living things. Its role is to transport nutrients and regulate water balance in the skin. Hyaluronic acid binds water, lubricates, and acts as a shock absorber for the joints so that there is not as much wear and tear on our bodies through the aging process. Facial dermal fillers are made from an injectable gel of a stabilized, non-animal hyaluronic acid that is friendly to the body and resembles what is naturally produced.
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are the most popular type because this substance is natural and already found in the human body including the skin and the joints. Dermal fillers help the skin to maintain its shape through hydration and can even out hollow areas. The fillers boost the skins natural supply of hyaluronic acid. Other types of fillers are collagen stimulators. These fillers can trigger the body to produce more collagen.
One thing to note is that dermal fillers and Botox are not the same thing. Botox stops the small muscles in the face from moving and causing wrinkles, but fillers smooth out the wrinkles by plumping them out from below.
Dermal fillers restore lost volume to the face.
The gel is injected into areas of the face that need a little plumping, filling from the inside out and giving a natural, soft look. The fillers add volume and revitalize. The dermal fillers are usually injected in the area between the eyebrows, in the nose to mouth area, or directly into the lips. It is important to have a consultation at an aesthetic clinic with a doctor and qualified staff to get the proper filler for the area being treated. Not all areas will work the same way.
Dermal fillers can fill out thin lips, enhance shallow contours of the face and soften lines and wrinkles that are signs of aging. They can also be useful to improve the appearance of scarring and reconstruct deformities. However, they are not surgical and will not give the same results. Fillers are minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments where the results are temporary, and will require repeating for long-term results.
What about side effects?
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are popular and common because this type of filler is long lasting and safe. Dermal fillers usually last between six and eighteen months, depending on the type of filler, amount used and how the body reacts. There may be some temporary side effects and understanding the possible effects of the facial filler is another reason why seeing a professional aesthetician is important. Dermal fillers don’t hurt while being injected, but there might be some mild discomfort. There are few side effects, and fillers are safe because they are a natural substance. They don’t last forever, which is part of the natural element.
Dermal fillers are easy for the body to manage, and they work easily and quickly. There is no reason to worry. They will make you feel more beautiful, younger, and stronger. When your skin looks as young as you feel, everything will feel better. They plump sagging skin and give you back some of that smoothness of youth.
Remember to always talk with a qualified doctor or medical practitioner who is experienced in cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers.