Dermal Filers: What You Need to Know

A dermal filler is a popular choice and helps when you want younger, healthier looking skin. They work. No surgery or hospitalization is required, and there is no significant amount of downtime before and after. That is why they are popular. There are still things to know about dermal fillers however, and these things are important to keep in mind for anyone who wants to have this treatment done. Here are some frequently asked questions that will give the information.
What are dermal fillers?
A dermal filler is a gel-like substance that a medical professional will inject beneath the skin of the face, lips or hands. Most commonly a dermal filler is an injection of hyaluronic acid. Facial dermal fillers are an injectable blend of a stable, vegan gel that is friendly to the body and resembles its natural substances. A dermal filler can help the skin to stay hydrated, keep its shape, and even out hollow areas. They can also help the body to feel younger and produce more collagen and elastin on its own.
Dermal fillers may also be made from a mineral in the bones called calcium hydroxypilate, or from Poly-L-lactic acid. Some doctors can use body fat to make the filler. Have a doctor explain the differences and the popular brands available.
What is in a dermal filler?
Hyaluronic acid is the most popular type of dermal filler because it is natural and already found in the skin and joints. It is a sugar molecule, and its role is to transport nutrients and regulate water balance. More of this substance in the body can help the joints and decrease wear and tear on them.
What does a dermal filler do?
The dermal filler will plump out sunken areas to make them look more natural. The injections restore lost volume and revitalize to minimize lines and wrinkles. They are sometimes used to minimize scarring and to reconstruct deformities.
Are there any possible misuses?
Remember that dermal fillers are not surgery, but they should be administered by an FDA-approved professional. That is, a doctor or a nurse with experience at a medical spa. They should never be used in places on the body other than the face or hands. The administrator should be a medical professional in a medical setting. Dermal fillers are NOT breast implants, or muscle fillers, and must not be used for body contouring. Never try to buy any kind of dermal filler online or try to administer the injections to yourself. There are significant dangers from incorrectly injecting fillers of the wrong type or in the wrong place.
What about side effects?
As long as they are administered properly, a dermal filler is safe because it is natural. They are minimally invasive and have benefits above vanity. They can improve the appearance of scarring and reconstruct deformities, but for this also, doctors must be consulted. Dermal fillers do their work quickly and when not misused there is no reason to be concerned as side effects are few. There may be some redness, but it is not long lasting. They don’t hurt while being injected, but they do not last forever, either.
How long do they last?
A single injection of dermal filler can last from six to as long as eighteen months before breaking down and disappearing naturally on its own. The difference in the length of time is due to the type of filler, the amount used and the way the body reacts. This difference is why consulting doctors or a nurse aesthetician at a medical spa is essential.
What are the costs?
The length of time the treatments last, and the number of injections needed affects the cost, of course. But be careful. Something like this should not and will not come too cheaply. It is a medical procedure. The cost per syringe should be discussed with a doctor during consultation so you can have an idea of how much your particular procedure will cost, before you commit to anything.
Always talk with a qualified doctor in a medical setting before considering dermal fillers. Discuss your goals and the results you are hoping to achieve. There may be other ways to achieve the same results.